The Quantum Source and You*

Bill Bauman

3/13/20244 min read

When I was recently called to come out of my quantum cave

in order to become the expression and conduit of our Quantum Source,

I instinctively knew that this “Power of Creation” was inviting me to be its voice

in order to invite three kinds of people to its waiting presence:

First, those to whom the Quantum Source is offering a strong, compelling calling:

to lose themselves—their human identity, attachments, everything—

and wake up in their inner quantum nature and identity.

These persons are experiencing, from deep within themselves,

a soul-inspired and soul-driven stirring

to immerse themselves completely in the embrace of the quantum void

and ultimately to become fully identified as quantum beings.

Second, others—many others, in fact—who will experience the same quantum calling,

but to a lesser degree. One not as all-consuming. A partial quantum calling, perhaps.

These persons are experiencing a desire to explore their quantum roots

and have a meaningful connection with their inner quantum identity,

and perhaps even to live in its invisible bosom

to a significant degree, but not necessarily as fully or intensely.

For them, living in and completing their human experience still calls them,

but in a way that can now be empowered by gifts from their quantum source.

A third group are those who are experiencing only a minimal calling—

or perhaps even no personal calling at all—

to connect with or develop their quantum consciousness.

Rather, they are persons whom the Quantum Source simply has chosen

—Who knows why? (I don’t!)—

in order to give them its quantum-originated gifts.

Perhaps it’s a gift that they’ve needed for some years

but that hasn’t been available to them, either internally or from other sources.

Or, maybe it’s a gift they don’t even know they need or deserve.

These people don’t feel a personal calling to a quantum consciousness,

but the Quantum Source wants to, and is determined to, reach out to them

in order to create its own presence within them

as a platform from which to fill them with its precious quantum gifts.

What I’ve discovered in the four months of my renewed service

is that all three groups have found either me or us.

The 89 of you who applied for our now-ongoing “Quantum Immersion” program

were definitely in the first group—those with a full quantum calling.

Many more of you, and so many others as well, constitute the second group.

You’re equally as important to the Quantum Source as is the first group.

And you’re now well on your way to enhancing your intended quantum consciousness

In exactly the way to which you’re being called.

In addition, I’ve had the privilege of having many appointments/connections

with those in the third group—

those who have little to no ‘calling’ to a quantum consciousness.

Many of them have scheduled time with me, not knowing why.

In the ensuing experience, I’ve witnessed the Quantum Source

gifting them generously from its “creating something from nothing” nature.

Each of them, I’ve noticed, has readily and gratefully accepted

the unexpected quantum gifts that have entered into them.

How interesting! And how perfect!

The Quantum Source is here to splash its presence and its gifts anew

not just to one class or group of people—the so-called “called ones”—

but to numerous ones of us, regardless of our style of motivation or calling.

It’s reaching out to those whose calling is “all,” “partial” and “nothing”

without any hint of discriminating or excluding.

Why do I mention this to you?

Mainly, because I want you to know that our Quantum Source

doesn’t create anything or choose anyone based on human criteria,

such as personal merit, deservingness, intentions or spiritual status.

Rather, we’re chosen for this gift “just ‘cuz …”. Period.

The second reason I share this insight with you, though,

is, frankly, as an excuse to emphasize that your Quantum Source—

that innermost power and resource within your and my depths—

has no human-like qualities, never judges you morally, doesn’t play favorites,

and is always present to you as an ever-present resource of treasures.

In fact, my experience is this: The quantum source is inserting itself anew

in our human realm of experience for one reason:

to demonstrate its unlimited, beyond-creation resources

and to splash its “power to create something from nothing”

everywhere, especially to you.

It’s freshly here to give you the exact gift, intervention or support

that is right and perfect for you NOW.

Thus, as you embrace your quantum calling, whether it’s a full or partial one,

please know that you have the 100 percent support of this deepest of inner resources:

your Quantum Source.

For me, as a chosen embodiment of this mighty beyond-creation Source,

I feel it as my calling to embrace you with those same quantum qualities—

to experience no human judgments of you,

to accept and cherish you wherever, whatever and however you are,

to be dedicated to your human fullness,

your spiritual enlightenment and your quantum consciousness

in the most quantumly glorious and wondrous way possible

while we play together in this magical land of space and time,

duality and morality, physicality and humanity,

and in this sandbox of quantum possibility and realization.

In conclusion:

Speaking in human language, I say to you, “You are being loved!”

Speaking in spiritual language, I say to you, “You are being blessed!”

Speaking in quantum language, I say to you, “You are being called!”

Yes, the quantum Source has chosen you

to receive its gifts in new and powerful ways,

without your needing to qualify or deserve them.

To me, that's a great deal!
