This website has taken form because it was inspired by our quantum source. That completely intangible source of creation recently moved Bill to come out of retirement to be its human voice and expression. For this purpose, Bill has been inspired to develop the following offerings and opportunities—events that facilitate your personal ‘initiation’ into our magical quantum realm.
Initiation? Did someone just say ‘initiation’? Yes. Any rite or passage of initiation is nothing short of a mystical journey, a courageous personal and spiritual plunge into an unknown world just waiting to be discovered.
The unknown world awaiting us now is the quantum world. Having been only recently re-discovered scientifically, it is inviting us to embrace its mystical and creative qualities. And for that purpose it is that same quantum reality that is inviting us, one person at a time, to take this unfamiliar yet powerful journey.
For this reason, Bill has dedicated the rest of his earthly life to this purpose: to support, empower and initiate anyone who feels soulfully ‘called’ or inspired to take this precious journey. Embrace and merge with your own quantum source, if you feel so inspired, by sampling any of the following offerings that Bill is now lovingly facilitating:
On the second Thursday evening of each month (except December),
Bill Bauman will be hosting a free audio-based Quantum Meditation:
a time for us to come together,
listen to Bill’s inspiring words about our mighty quantum source,
sit in the silence of its endlessly supportive bounty
and drink in the blessings of our shared quantum nature.
This phone-operated event will begin at 9:00 pm ET (6:00 pm PT)
and continue for an hour.
· Bill offers his inspiration and quantum insights for the first several minutes.
· Then, we all spend the next half hour or more in meditative silence, the natural language of the quantum void.
· The remaining time is open to any of us who would like to share their own experience, insights or inspiration.
(Please note: This is not a time for questions and answers).
Our time together is a quiet, sacred event. It’s a time in which the intangible blessings of our quantum nature silently move into and through us, intangibly creating us anew, mostly without the distraction of words.
The simple “How to”:
There is no need to pre-register. You need only open your computer, phone or tablet a few minutes before the starting time. You can select the following link to be admitted to the meeting: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82165828947?pwd=x5J1FoRKmEI2fEI27Je9DEI8zOUIhl.1
If you're prompted to enter a passcode, it's 392967.
Alternately, you can go to www.zoom.com and enter the following
Meeting ID number: 821 6582 8947 and Passcode: 392967.
You’ll then be placed on the call, where Bill will begin our meeting.
During the meditation time, Bill will mute our phones (to minimize any noise or distractions); we’ll be un-muted for the sharing time that follows.
The entire teleconference will be recorded and uploaded to our website.
Personal Consulting Time
with Bill:
Bill is feeling inspired to spend personal "consulting" time with those who feel soulfully called to use his quantum-filled services. For that purpose, he is setting aside limited time on weekdays to be available by phone (at 7:00 pm ET, 4:00 pm PT). If your all-caring soul is nudging you to avail yourself of quantum-centered time with Bill, please feel free to schedule a personal phone session with him. He will be delighted to spend this special time with you.
Bill feels that it’s important for him to be available in this way for those who: (a) feel the need for a caring quantum-inspired ‘’ coach" for their personal journey into quantum consciousness, (b) are looking for a quantum source-based response to their current human-life situation, or (c) have no conscious awareness of ‘why’ they feel called to have time with Bill, but feel that it’s nonetheless very important.
Bill feels strongly inspired to have this personal time with those who feel called to him-- so that, through him, the quantum source can “create something, even anything, from nothing” in their lives. He envisions that his time with you will be filled with healing, nurturing and inspiring quantum gifts.
All of Bill's consulting sessions will last 2 hours. His fee is $150.00/hour, for a total of $ 300.00 for your two hour time with him. When scheduling, please schedule no more than one session every 3 months, thus ensuring that Bill will be available to many others. Thank you!
The simple “How to”:
Scheduling and Payment: In order to make an appointment and pay for a personal two-hour time with Bill, simply click here:
This scheduling site will show you dates and times of Bill's availability, guide you to schedule an appointment with him, connect you to a PayPal site where you can complete your payment (with credit or debit card, or PayPal) and, as a final step, confirm your appointment.
Alternatively, you can also schedule your appointment online: visit https://calendly.com/billbauman/.
Appointment: When the day and time for your appointment arrives, Bill will call you on the phone number you supplied.
A Quantum Blog
~ for your inspiration ~
One of the current objectives of our quantum source is to create an informal community of quantum-oriented persons. Thanks to quantum physicists, we are now aware of the actual existence of a quantum realm. Our next step as a human family is to make that awareness deeply and powerfully personal, so that each of us can access its quantum power for our personal --not to mention our collective human--growth and betterment.
For this purpose, Bill is establishing this "quantum blog." He'll be regularly (once each week or more) posting an informational and/or inspirational post about "all things quantum." He intends these posts to feed your mind, nurture your soul and enhance your quantum consciousness.
If anyone feels inspired to add their own post to the blog--something that would also be inspiring to those reading the blog--we welcome your input. To do so, simply write your post and send it to Bill at monaposner10@gmail.com, and he will post it on the blog for you.
Quantum Book Club
~ Led by Ann Marie Tommey, M.D. ~
Ann Marie has generously been leading a 90-minute-long quantum study,
discussion and transformation group, via Zoom, on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays
of each month (1:00 pm ET / 10:00 am PT), with extra in-depth time together
on any month's 5th Wednesday.
In this inspiration-filled experience, participants delve deeply
into the transforming concepts and quantum-generated blessings
contained in Bill Bauman's 2021 Emptiness Dreaming book.
This heart-centered group has become a rich, blessing-filled experience
for its participants.
If you feel yourself drawn to be a part of this powerful quantum group experience
or simply would like to receive notifications of its meetings,
please email Ann Marie at infodrtommey@gmail.com.
“Quantum Meditation”
"All Things Quantum”
is a free monthly teleconference with Bill Bauman,
held on the 4th Thursday of every month (January to October)
at 9:00pm Eastern time (6:00pm Pacific time).
In this one-hour-long, audio-only Zoom teleconference,
Bill answers questions and shares his vision about
“All Things Quantum.”
It’s an informal time for us to drink in information and inspiration
about the quantum source, world and creation.
The “How to:
To participate, you can simply click on this link a few minutes before our starting time:
If you are prompted to enter a Passcode, it's: 380334.
Or, if you prefer, log onto Zoom.com and enter the Meeting ID: 896 5274 3591 and Passcode 380334.
You can use this same link and/or Meeting ID/Passcode for each month’s gathering.
If you have a question about anything quantum or would like Bill talk about any quantum topic,
please email your question/request to monaposner10@gmail.com.
(Please mention that your question/request is intended for our “All Things Quantum” teleconference).
Each teleconference event will be recorded,
and its recording will be available on our “Resources and Recordings” page.
With apologies, Bill's appointment schedule is completely filled until November 2025. He will then be taking a one-year sabbatical, beginning November 2025. His schedule will re-open for personal appointments when he returns in November 2026. Thank you for your understanding.